2020 Reading Bujo Tour!

Hey guys! Today I’m showing you a tour of my new 2020 bujo pages. 😀

I also posted an update on my fully filled out 2019 pages on my Instagram highlights/story, so you can see that here. (Bear with me, it’s my first time making a story and I wasn’t totally sure how they work, so it’s not perfect. 😛 )

So here is my Goodbye 2019 page! The font inspired by this and I knew I really wanted to do something with fireworks, so I kinda tried to recreate this. Though they are definitely more messy-looking fireworks, but I think it turned out okay. XD

In between my Goodbye 2019 and Hello 2020 pages, I took some double-sided tape and stuck the top reads of 2019 and Anticipated 2020 reads page from my Fairyloot reading journal. I ripped the pages out of that so that I could incorporate them into my bujo since I primarily use this and didn’t want to have two separate journals to keep up with. (Also I painted the inside of those potion bottles with watercolor. I tried to blend blue and purple in the middle one and I think it turned out nice. 😀 )

Since I don’t read many new releases usually, I put the two 2020 releases that I am planning to read; Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes and My Calamity Jane at the top, and the rest I just filled in with unread books that I own that I need to get to and put “not applicable” in the pre-ordered column.

Here’s my Hello 2020 page inspired by this, and I was so upset that I spilled water all over it! D: It looked SO nice when I finished it and I should’ve taken a pic as soon as it was done, but I didn’t and this happened. :/ I recolored the blue that was washed out, but I couldn’t do anything about the black pen that smeared everywhere. 😦 Oh well.

Here’s more pages from the Fairyloot journal that I glued in and am using as the master list of books, the dates I read them, and their ratings. I numbered them from 1-70 because that’s my Goodreads goal, but I have room for up to 80 books if I want to be really ambitious! (Though I know in reality I’ll probably only get to 60-65. 😛 ) Also there’s a section at the bottom of each page to write a list of books to buy, and as you can see I already have it almost full. XD I need to go back and write prices in, though. That would be helpful for budgeting…which I need to do. 😛

This setup was inspired by this, and I wanted to have a list to keep track of series I need to catch up on in my bujo, but I wasn’t sure how to make it work well on paper. I also keep a word document with just lists of every book title of every series I haven’t read yet, and just delete the book once I read it, but that would obviously be harder to do here unless I just wrote it in pencil, but I’d still probably run out of room.

I decided the easiest way was to just write the title of the series as a whole, and make a space to write down the date of whenever I finish the last book in each one. This is definitely going to take me YEARS though, not just 2020. XD But at least I have extra room to add new series to the list that I start this year! 😀

These are more pages that I cut from the Fairyloot journal to use as lists for library books to get and ones to listen to on audiobook. I definitely didn’t put as much effort into the titles or anything though, and I kinda wish I did. Also I don’t know why I tried to cut the outline of the books for the library book page, it would’ve looked way better if I hadn’t. XD Oh but the bottles on these pages I colored in with markers and glitter gel pen!

I’m pretty proud of how this turned out. I wanted to add more stats to track than I did last year, but still needed to use only two pages, so I’m glad that I could use the bullet points to make the sections work pretty well.

I used pink and blue for the scheme just cuz they’re my favorite colors, and also I wanted an excuse to use some of the cute washi tape Allison gave me and those colors seemed to work best. Though now I kinda wish I hadn’t used pink cuz it’s harder to read in the photo, but I’ll just list the categories for you:

Left Page:

Top left: Source-bought, gift, library, audiobooks.

Top Right: Author Nationality-U.S. and Non-U.S. Rereads. Sequels.

Bottom: Protagonist Gender/Author Gender.

Right Page:

Top Row:

Genre: Sci-Fi, Historical Fiction, Classic, Non-Fiction, Contemporary, Fantasy, Dystopian.

Page #: 500+, 400+, 300+, 200+, -200.

Date Published: 2020-2011 and 2010 or earlier.

Age Group: MG, YA, Adult.

Bottom Row:

Multiple POV’s?: Yes/No

Belongs to a series? Yes/No

Ratings with smiley faces.

POC Author.

This is also technically part of stats, but I wanted a way to track where the books are set in or outside the U.S. I printed the map from here and this cute globe page is inspired by this. And the title font was inspired by this. The box sticking out of the globe is where I’m going to write the country where a book is set, and I’ll just add more boxes for each new country I come across. If I read more than one book from the same country I’ll probably make space somewhere for tally marks.

I know there’s an alphabet inspired readathon somewhere out there, but I’m just kind of doing it myself, because I know I can’t read 26 books in a month, or however long it was supposed to be. XD Instead I’m just going to write down the title that will fit with each letter as I read them, and I hope I can do each letter in order, but I might just put in whatever book I read if it fits whether it’s in order or not. XD The title font was inspired by this and the rainbow column by this.

This took a LONG time, but it turned out pretty nice I think, though not totally how I was picturing. The Start On Your Shelfathon has like a astronomer/night sky/space theme, so my page is inspired by this and I used a bunch of my washable markers and a wet paintbrush to kind of blend the colors together and pretend it was watercolor. XD Then I used my white gel pen to make it look like a galaxy. I also was inspired by Clo’s goals and how she listed them. 😀

This is also for the Start On Your Shelfathon. I think you were supposed to do this digitally, but I decided to print out my star maps and I’ll draw my constellations with my metallic gel pens and hope they show up. XD You’re supposed to add a star for every book you read and the color of the star corresponds to the goal. All throughout the year we can design our own constellations, so it sounded like such a fun readathon that I definitely wanted to do! 😀 Also it gave me an excuse to use my shiny spacey washi tape. 😛

I’m also doing the Beat the Backlist challenge this year, and I couldn’t resist because they’ve added bingo boards this time, and I’ve always wanted to do a readathon with a bingo board! I printed it out in Team TBR Stacker’s blue, but I’m not going to join the mini challenge, I just love blue and it fits my aesthetic. XD I have a bunch of little heart stickers that I can use as game pieces, and on the right I listed the prompts out and made a space so I can keep track of what books I read to complete them. 😀 Right now the titles in pencil are just some ideas of books that I think would work, but I haven’t read any yet. Also my TBR font is so weird. XD I shouldn’t have tried to connect the letters like that. 😛

I had an extra page I didn’t know what to do with, and I saw something on Pinterest that gave me an idea to add a coloring page, so I printed a bookish looking one from here and bordered it with some more washi tape from Allison!

On the right I made a page for monthly theme ideas inspired by this and the title font was inspired by this. 😉 Also please ignore my poor lopsided ferris wheel, I drew the doodles free hand. XD

On the next page I did another theme ideas spread, but this time for my book club inspired by this! The top box for every doodle has the month and theme name, and in each box on the bottom I’ll put the title of the book I choose to read.

I used my glitter gel pen for details in every little doodle, and I think overall they turned out pretty good! Though some of it smeared. I think my favorite is the mermaid or the pirate ship, though they aren’t perfect. Also the rocket looks like it’s flying over some weird planet, which doesn’t make sense that there’s stars on top of it. XD It was supposed to look like a galaxy? But I’m just not good at blending colors apparently. 😛 Also March is supposed to be an hourglass, but the bottom definitely doesn’t match the top so it looks very weird. XD But here you get to see a little sneak peek of what’s to come for this year’s book club themes!

And here I have my pages to keep track of the books I read’s “awards” that I give them at the end of every year. (Best fantasy, favorite protagonist, etc…) And the design was inspired by this. Though I’m not sure I like how my black pen looks on the blue, maybe I should’ve used white instead? Hmm. Oh well. 😛

Well that’s it for my 2020 bujo pages! I hope you enjoyed my little tour, and I’m sorry it took me so long to make them and get this post up. XD

Do you like bullet journaling? Did you try anything new for your 2020 pages? Do you already have February all set up? I haven’t even started. XD

All credit goes to the authors of the images.

What Do You Think?:

<a href=”Designed”>Designed”>https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/blue-christmas-card-in-watercolor-style_816724.htm”>Designed by Freepik</a>


<a href=”Designed”>Designed”>http://www.freepik.com/free-vector/soft-background-with-a-cute-blue-watercolor-stain_1064674.htm”>Designed by Freepik</a>

Featured Image:


Background photo created by freepik – www.freepik.com

12 thoughts on “2020 Reading Bujo Tour!

  1. Ohhh I absolutely love the Welcome 2020 page, aswell as the start on your selfathon’s one!
    So many pretty pages – Idk why I don’t wanna glue-in pages into mine, that can turn out really good. I just recently started to use stickers xd Also, I love the idea of tracking where the books are from!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. AWE THANKS!!! ❤
      Yeah I didn't think to either until had came up with ideas to glue in. XD I want to use more stickers cuz I have a TON but I'm afraid they'd look too cheesy and I'm not sure where to put them so they don't. 😛 Also I really do like having this excuse to practice my art skills by drawing/painting stuff myself. 🙂
      Thanks! I had those map ideas on my Pinterest board and thought they'd be put to good use that way. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Again??? Awe man. I’m getting a little annoyed with WordPress with this. It keeps copying all my pics and I don’t want to waste space in the media thing so I delete the duplicate but then I can’t remember which one is which so I guess I’m going to have to fix it. :/
      But thank you! ❤ I do too, it's fun. 😀

      Liked by 1 person

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